There are many merits to working from home, however is it affecting how you’re getting dressed? It can be very tempting to give in be comfortably dressed in pajamas or sweatpants while talking business all day. Although this isn’t a bad thing in itself, it can become a habit and make you feel too relaxed, especially if you are doing it over an extended period of time.
The truth is, you don’t need to be all suited up or in your full business wear since you are not making a fashion statement working from home. That’s extreme. However, another extreme is working with your nightgown or pajamas. It’s okay to put together an outfit that gives yourself a sense of work normalcy. Clothes can influence our mood, therefore you’re not as likely to be productive dressed in pajamas like you would in business casual clothing.
It might take a while to adjust when you’re just starting with working from home. One of those things that you would have to deal with and get used to is your wardrobe’s flexibility. While you’re not going out to work, you don’t have to sacrifice your style. You can dress yourself up and feel good in your style. So, here are some of the best tips and guides for your business casual clothing if you’re working from home.
Wear light makeup
Instead of your usual makeup, you should do a lighter makeup version. Use a concealer to brighten your sleepy eye and use a light moisturizer. Adding blush and a little mascara would be a good idea too. Wearing makeup will freshen you up and make you feel ready for work.
Get on your business casual

You might not feel the motivation if you have to go from bed straight into work. That’s why you must get dressed for work. This would help you to be more productive with your work. Your outfit must be comfortable so you won’t feel bad wearing it to work or out of your house. Since you’re getting ready to work, your outfit has to be one you can typically wear to a centralized office.
Wear a collared shirt
You have to pay attention to your tops, especially if you are participating in a video conference call that day. The top you’re wearing is what everyone will see. If you put on a collared blouse, it shows you’re more professional. If you’re in charge of the meeting or you supervise others, you might add a blazer or cardigan to it!
Leggings are cool
Wearing a nice top or a sweater and combining it with a pair of leggings is a combination of working from home. In this case, leggings are more than just accessories, and they give more freedom than jeans. Trust me; you won’t be the only one in the conference call wearing a pair of leggings.
Go for something easy
If you don’t want to wear leggings or pants, a cotton dress is a great alternative. They’re very useful for days when you want to look good, but you’re rushed to get dressed and they’re low maintenance. A comfortable midi or maxi dress that allows plenty of stretch is perfect.
Don’t leave your accessories behind

Just because you’re working from home doesn’t give you the right to leave out your jewelry completely. For an extra presence, especially if you have a video meeting, an earring or necklace will do just fine. These accessories allow you to stand out and be more fashionable while expressing your personality.
There’s a lot to be said about what to wear when working from home. An appropriate outfit can be the difference between having a challenging day versus a productive day. Even though you aren’t in an office, your dressing is still essential even though you’re keeping it lighter.
Author’s Bio: Joe McLean is a fashionista and PR lover. He trained his writing skills while working on a UK dissertation named essay geeks. For now, he’s helping with the best assignment writing service UK reviews and discovered his style in writing and fashion. From time to time, he works as a model. Please contact him on Facebook.