You are expecting to have a baby soon. You are starting to figure out how to go about creating the nursery and planning everything. Designing your nursery is not as difficult as you might think! There are a few things that you should be mindful of in order to make the nursery as safe and nice as possible. The last thing you want to do is create a room that can be hazardous to the baby itself. 

Here are several useful tips for designing a baby nursery.

Choose A Theme

If you want your baby nursery to be appealing to not only the baby but you and all the guests, you should pick a theme and stick with it for the room. This means everything from the furniture to the colors on the wall should match or complement each other. Gone are the days of using colors to indicate the gender of your baby as well. You are no longer forced to use a light blue for a boy and a pink for a girl. Instead, pick a soft color that works for you and what you are buying.

You can see Baby&Co’s website for ideas on how you can go about creating a theme and matching everything in it. Your baby might not be aware of everything right away. But after a few months, they will start to recognize the theme within their room along with all the accessories. Picking a theme is a great way to start designing a baby nursery.

Five Posters Mounted on Wall
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Safety Is the Number One Priority

While you definitely want to consider your theme when you are designing the nursery, the most important thing that you can do is to ensure that the room itself is safe. Babies are very curious and like to move around and will even try to escape their crib. If there are any sharp corners or objects that might harm them in the room, you should make it a point to remove them. Of course, at times this is unavoidable. That is why there are plenty of products that you can put on the corners of tables and furniture to prevent babies from injuring themselves. You’d be surprised at what a baby can achieve in a room. Ensure that the room is completely baby-proof and that they will be kept safe.

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Use Soft Lighting

Many people don’t consider the lighting when they are designing a nursery but it is extremely important. Babies are developing humans and their eyes are still adjusting to the world and everything around it. As they are going to be spending a large portion of their day in the nursery or in a crib, you should make it a point to get soft lighting for the room. Harsh fluorescent lighting will hurt the baby’s eyes as it continues to shine in the room. Switch to a light that will not be harmful if they stare at it for an extended period of time.

Create a Nursing Station

If you’re a husband and you want to make life easy for your wife, you should go about creating a nursing station for her. In the first few months of a baby’s life, it is recommended that they breastfeed. The milk that they get contains all the important nutrients that they need. How can you go about designing a station? Getting a soft chair that the mother can sit in will go a long way towards making her life that much easier. It is a strong recommendation for any nursery.

Leave Room for a Changing Station

Finally, you can expect a lot of messes to be made as your baby grows up. This means you are going to have to have plenty of diapers on hand ready to change them when an accident occurs. Moving them from one room to the is disruptive for you and the baby. It can also create sanitation issues. By having a changing station in the room itself, you can easily move your baby to the station, do whatever has to be done, and then let them get back to what they were doing. By having a designated changing station, you can also keep the amount of deep cleaning to a minimum as only one or two areas will really have to be scrubbed out.

These are all great tips that you should follow if you are designing a baby nursery. At the end of the day, it is up to you and your significant other to make serious decisions about what should go into the room and what color it should be. Find something that you both agree on and work from there. How do you plan on designing the baby nursery?

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