A Models Perspective…

By Kai Braden

It’s the next morning and I am already late for a last-minute casting. Weird yet funny images run through my head as I surpass my natural grogginess of the early morning and the nausea from last night’s drinking-capades. Whatever happened, I know it was all in good times as Models Nights usually are. Models Nights usually take place in the most “happening” night clubs of major fashion-forward cities like New York, Milan, and Hong Kong to name a few. The night clubs offer models easy-access entry, bottles upon bottles, and a partitioned space for a more VIP experience… all for free. In return, the night clubs get the “ambience” of pretty people to set the mood for the “normal folk.”!

But a good model certainly cannot allow partying to affect work. So, I’ve come up with tricks of the trade (beauty hacks) learned over the years to “cheat the system” and look my best even when I feel that I am at my worst…

Tricks of the trade

1) Drink Pedialyte. This over-the-counter beverage is really just for babies with diarrhea, but I swear it is more effective than your common sports drink or even coconut water. The amount of electrolytes per serving help bring you back to life in a quicker time frame.!

Tricks of the trade

2) Dab concealer under your eyes. Unless you live in LA and already have your weekly orders of Botox, you should always have concealer at bay for those eye bags. Lacking sleep may lead to large dark circles and bags under your eyes, which may scare away any photographer or casting director during picture-taking.

Tricks of the trade

3) Drop Visine in your eyes. Blood-shot eyes are scary eyes, and your eyes are the most revealing thing about you. So don’t give it away that you were dancing on top of the table four hours ago with a Magnum Grey Goose in your right hand while taking Instagram selfies with the left. I have found that Visine helps to reduce inflammation of the blood vessels for whiter and fresher eyes. However, I have learned that the effects are short-term— so use it with caution!

Tricks of the trade

4) Blot your oily face with toilet seat covers. Who needs to buy fancy oil-blotting sheets when you can simply go to any public restroom and put your face where most people butt their bare asses? A face that reflects little when a camera flash is taken is less threatening and distracting, so matte that pretty face down and smile for the camera.

Tricks of the trade

5) Dry up those zits with your local-brand toothpaste. This tip works best during sleep, but it works so fast that even if you put it on for ten minutes, you’ll notice a reduced redness and bumpiness. But make sure to wash it off before you go out in public, as I have unknowingly walked out on the street looking like I have chicken pox. Not so flattering.!


Instagram: @kaibraden
