I heard a saying that in the frost of winter, your skin can bloom like a rose with just the right touch of care and hydration.”
When it’s cold outside, you take steps to keep warm, like wearing jackets or bundling up in layers. But sometimes, we forget about something important – caring for our skin in the winter!

During winter, our skin faces various challenges. The chilly winds, dry air, and low temperatures can all harm our skin. As a result, you might notice various skin issues when you’re out in the cold, with dry skin being one of the most common problems.

Are you also facing the same problem? Worry not! Let’s discover the ultimate winter skin care guide for your face, body, hands, and feet in this article. It’ll help keep your skin healthy during the winter season.


One of the top winter face care tips is to keep your face clean. Wash it once in the morning and before bedtime to maintain healthy skin. It doesn’t have to be complicated – a gentle face wash is sufficient. At times, you might get tired of cleansers that might leave your skin dry or rough. Then, products such as DHC Deep Cleansing Oil leave your skin soft to the touch and free of grim. Cleansing removes dirt, oil, and makeup, along with dead skin cells, and prepares your pores for further treatment.

However, avoid aggressive cleansing, as it can strip away natural oils and make your skin even drier. So, look for gentle cleansing oil designed for winter dry skin or those with moisturizing ingredients like Olive oil or Vitamin E. Such a type of cleansing oil will help your skin be protected and nourished.


In winter, the air tends to be dry, which makes it harder for your skin to hold onto moisture. This dryness can lead to skin issues like cracking and painful sores.

Your face and hands are particularly at risk of drying out during this time. So, remember to use a face moisturizer and body lotion to keep your skin happy and healthy during the winter months.

Here are some easy tips to keep your skin moisturized during winter:

  • Moisturize After Bathing: Right after your bath or shower, apply a good moisturizer to your face and body. This helps lock in moisture.
  • Target Dry Areas: Got dry spots? Use a thick moisturizer on them regularly.
  • Lip Care: Before putting on lipstick or gloss, use a lip balm. This keeps your lips soft and smooth.
  • Care for Your Hands: After washing your hands, apply some hand cream. This helps counteract the drying effect of soap.
  • Nighttime Routine: Before bed, don’t forget to moisturize your face. It’s a great time for your skin to absorb the moisture.
  • Weekly Oil Bath: Once a week, treat yourself to an oil bath. Massage your favorite oil into your skin, then shower with warm water.

Apply Sunscreen

No matter the weather, sunscreen is a must when you’re outside. UV rays, which cause early aging and sunburns, are always present, even on cloudy days. Choose sunscreens with a high SPF for better protection and reapply them every two hours when you’re outdoors. Likewise, if you’re enjoying any water activities, it’s best to use sunscreen that is water-resistant or sweat-proof.

As you might know, sunscreen isn’t a one-time application. It doesn’t last all day; how long it works depends on how often you reapply, especially when you’re in the sun or water.

Sunscreen also shields your eyes and lips from UV damage. To prevent lip chapping and keep them hydrated, use a lip balm with an SPF of 15 or more. In short, keep sunscreen and lip balm with SPF handy to stay protected from the sun’s harmful rays!

Keep Feet Clean & Dry

In winter, your feet can get wet and dirty pretty fast, and they also dry out quickly. So, always clean them before warming up with cozy wool socks. Use gentle soap to wash them every day, and make sure they’re completely dry, especially before bed. You don’t want damp feet when you sleep – they could get really cold!

Using a Pumice Stone for Your Heels is the best option; the heels are the toughest part of your feet and can get rough. But be careful; only use it on your heels, not other body parts, to avoid any cuts. And if your heels are cracked, it’s better not to use the pumice stone. Instead, you can use Crack heel moisturizer that will help keep your feet soft.  

Bottom Line

It might seem like there’s a lot to do to keep your skin looking healthy and radiant. But, if you stick to these steps consistently, you’ll start to see a natural glow. Plus, people will start to notice the difference, too – your skin will look healthier, and you’ll appear more youthful. Keep up with this routine, and prepare to see some fantastic results this winter!