Supermodels have a way of appearing flawless on and off the runway. Sure, great genes have a lot to do with their effortless beauty, but there is a bit of effort that’s required behind the scenes to achieve the babe-factor. We caught up with some of our favorite supermodel smoke shows and had them share their favorite beauty secrets to maintaining their glow.

1.    Exfoliate

Ever wonder how your favorite models keep a perfect pout? Sure lip balm and remaining hydrated are essential, but the real secret is exfoliating. Nobody wants a chapped lip or flaky skin. When applying lipstick or going bare lipped you want to have a smooth canvas to work with. You can ensure your lips remain perfectly kissable by taking a spare toothbrush (separate than the one you brush with) wetting the bristles lightly, then slowly and gently running over your lips in a circular motion. This will remove any dead skin you have and is gentle enough that it won’t split your lip. Finish off with a mild moisturizer like Vaseline. Do this every night before bed and you’re sure to achieve that supermodel pout you so desire.

2.    Wash your face, before bed.

A cardinal rule of beauty regimens is to never wear your make up to bed. Always wash your face before hitting the sheets to ensure a blemish free face. This will keep your pores and your pillow clean. The added rule you didn’t know? Don’t wash again in the morning. Over night your body produces essential oils that sit on your skin. Washing your face in the morning will strip your face of these oils and leave you with dry skin. By washing before bed and allowing those natural oils to remain on your face the next day, you can bet on a smooth, flawless face.

3.    Sunscreen

“Wrinkles only go where smiles have been” and where sunscreen hasn’t. We love a good suntan as much as the next girl, but the secret to youthful, wrinkle free skin, is protecting it against the harsh sunrays. Even if you aren’t going to be spending the day outdoors, you should always lather on that SPF before leaving the house. We recommend anything between 30 to 50 SPF. Many foundations offer a version with sunscreen incorporated into the mix if you want to combine products.

4.    Go bare!

Makeup is a girl’s best friend, and we love to glam it up for a Friday night out on the town, but be sure to give your face a break from time to time. Not only is it important to be comfortable in your own skin and make up free, but also skipping the full-face application at least once a week can help keep your skin clear and pores small. Plus, it’s so nice to rub your eyes when you have an itch every once in a while with out mascara getting everywhere.

5.    Choose one feature and play it up

When you do decide to wear make up, choose one feature of your face to play up and stick to it. Having too many features done up can leave you looking a little cartoonish. So if you decide on a bold lip, go light on the eyeliner and shadow. If you want a smoky eye, skip the lipstick. Remember, less is more ladies!