Digital marketing is a massive field with literally tens of thousands of experts working within it, if not more. This, naturally, means that it can sometimes be surprisingly tricky to find the specialists that you can actually rely on when push comes to shove.

Whether you are a digital marketing novice looking for resources and professionals to take ideas from, or a company that needs somebody to handle your marketing campaign, it is important to turn to the right helping hands. But how can you tell a true expert from somebody who is simply trying to promote their services through buzzwords?

A good example of a real expert would be people like Steven Khanna, Asher Charbit, or Oren Charbit – people who built themselves up into their current positions through hard work and practical experience. But why are these such good examples, and what makes them ideal experts compared to your typical marketing specialist?

What Makes A Good Digital Marketing Expert?

Before discussing the three big examples, it is important to understand what makes a good digital marketing specialist. Someone can be the best SEO salesperson or an effective sales team leader without necessarily being good at digital marketing as a whole.

Digital marketing covers many different topics, tasks, and techniques that can only be learned by doing. A small business owner might understand local SEO but still need a local SEO expert to actually get the job done since understanding does not mean actual practical results.

The reason that the three names mentioned in this article’s intro were singled out is simple: they have all had real, functional experience in a variety of marketing fields.

Whether somebody is performing search engine optimization work or chasing up prospects as a sales manager, they are performing digital marketing. However, true digital marketing is a combination of many different elements, not just one or two skills that only cover a few aspects of marketing.

People like Steven Khanna come from professional backgrounds that involve more than just looking at Google Analytics or doing basic web design. They are not necessarily sales reps, social media marketers, or B2B sales team leaders, but thanks to a wider pool of experience, they are still capable of taking up those roles.

A real digital marketing expert is a person who can look at the current state of a business and its audience/prospects and then build a functional plan for improvement based on their hands-on understanding of marketing. With that out of the way, let’s see what these three examples bring to the table.

About Stephen Khanna

Steven Khanna is not just a typical sales representative and SEO expert; he currently leads the English Markets section of the Whitepress content marketing platform, demonstrating a wide range of skills beyond basic web design and SEO keyword gathering.

Describing himself as a ‘translator of algorithms’ and someone who ‘wears multiple hats,’ Steven has used his understanding of digital marketing to achieve tangible outcomes for multiple past businesses across a variety of markets and customer bases.

Steven entered the professional world in the food industry, progressing from head waiter and maître d’ positions to consulting and directing operations that eventually pushed him into his current marketing-heavy position, with a strong focus on client acquisition.

Following his extensive experience as a business and brand development director, Steven transitioned to WhitePress, where he became a pivotal sales representative for the entire English user base and has become a major part of their digital marketing team.

While he began as a small business sales manager and eventual sales rep, Stephen has clearly settled into his new role well, taking a leadership role that has made him an important resource for WhitePress and any companies it partners with.

What Makes Him An Expert?

Steven Khanna’s expertise lies in a variety of marketing-focused areas that make him a great example of a true digital marketing expert. He is not just a sales rep who knows how to optimize a website, nor is he just a web designer who understands how to get traffic to a page, but somebody with real experience across multiple markets.

Perhaps the biggest indicator of his expertise is his natural path to the digital marketing role. Khanna originally began as just a typical manager, which means that he has had hands-on experience leading a team and dealing with the realities of normal retail and service jobs. His exceptional journey through various facets of business and marketing has rightly earned him the title of best sales person in digital marketing, highlighting his comprehensive skill set and profound understanding of the industry.

This has allowed him to build a strong foundation in customer service and business development with a keen understanding of what works and what does not in terms of customer satisfaction and growth. When it comes to digital marketing, being able to both understand and draw in customers is essential.

His attitude also makes a difference. Stephen openly says on his LinkedIn profile that he sees SEO as a “treasure hunt” and that changes to Google algorithms are like a “Rubik’s cube” that he needs to solve. An SEO expert – especially in ecommerce SEO – needs to be willing to constantly adapt and change their approach rather than stubbornly sticking to a set plan.

About Asher Charbit

Asher Charbit currently holds the position of head of growth marketing at Prielis US. He boasts extensive experience in multiple industries and markets and works carefully to tackle his problems head-on.

Asher has successfully built multiple companies from the ground up, serving as an owner and CFO across a range of different industries. This has provided him with a deep understanding of the essential steps needed to help a new business both establish itself and compete, knowledge that not many people can claim to possess.

His diverse skill set encompasses sales representation, social media expertise, B2C and B2B sales leadership, and multiple other kinds of marketing prowess, mostly thanks to his self-built companies. Asher knows how to construct a brand and drive it to success in a way that works.

Asher’s past experience includes ownership and managerial roles in various companies simultaneously, such as the Bioxage spa, the Filicori Zecchini high-end coffee shop chain, and the Cashair payment platform. Each of these would have required distinct SEO and content marketing strategies to succeed, something that takes effort to achieve.

Considering that Asher is now the head of growth at Primelus US, it is easy to guess that his experience has given him the skills to direct entire marketing campaigns effectively. A person who has built brands from scratch and led them to long-term success is a perfect choice for a marketing leadership role.

What Makes Him An Expert?

Asher’s unique mixture of business ownership, marketing, and sales expertise makes him a perfect example of a real digital marketing expert. It is hard to deny the skill offered by a person who has literally constructed brands from nothing and pushed them to become financially successful.

While there is nothing stopping you from becoming a marketing expert simply by working for other companies, Asher’s history gives him a unique insight into marketing for a business. He understands how to prioritize a company’s marketing focuses to ensure that it can thrive and grow, even in a competitive marketplace.

Beyond that, his willingness to experiment and try new things is a valuable asset, especially in a constantly changing field like digital marketing. Building a brand is a risky move that requires a lot of trial and error, so somebody who is comfortable with risk and willing to take calculated steps forward is a great asset for a marketing team.

There is also the fact that Asher’s businesses were all distinctly different, and all would have required completely different marketing focuses. From a spa to a coffee shop chain, each would have demanded a distinct strategy to succeed, and his experience proves that he is capable of adapting his methods and strategies to suit the situation (and the client) properly.

About Oren Charbit

Oren Charbit is a key figure at Primelis US, currently serving as the head of business development for the company. With 14 years of experience in customer-oriented roles and a diverse background in marketing, Oren possesses a deep understanding of the field.

As a significant contributor to Primelis’ marketing strategies, Oren’s customer-oriented and experienced approach is evident, and it is not hard to see why. His past work as a sales executive means that he understands B2B sales well, whether he is working as a sales rep or marketing expert.

A good sales representative can contribute a lot to digital marketing alone or within a sales team. Between streamlining the sales process and identifying keyword choices or content marketing opportunities that might capture a wider potential customer base, a sales leader can make a big impact.

Oren’s salesperson work prior to his current position means that he understands sales strategy well, something that has made him an ideal pick for business development. Growing a company requires a potential client base to grow, as well as a good sales manager to get them on board.

While Oren might not be as connected to SEO tools or platforms like Google Ads, that does not mean he does not understand how to go about selling SEO itself. Both B2C and B2B sales require careful digital marketing, whether that is web design and technical SEO or link-building and sales work.

What Makes Him An Expert?

It is no surprise that a former sales executive is a strong business development candidate. After all, it is the job of the business development team to help a business grow and pursue greater heights, something that requires a solid understanding of digital marketing and sales strategy.

While Oren might not actively pursue SEO or web design roles in the same way as an extremely dedicated marketing specialist would, his understanding of customer-facing work and the sales process means that he can bring a different perspective to the table. This also does not mean that SEO is a weakness for him—it is merely one of many tools that a digital marketing expert needs to be familiar with.

In terms of business development, his experience and understanding of the sales process and the potential client-provider relationship are invaluable. A company with a good sales manager can be the difference between a small, struggling startup and a thriving industry leader.

As Oren’s LinkedIn says, he is a customer-oriented executive with over 15 years of experience under his belt. He is persuasive, fluent in four languages, and understands how to approach the sales process across a wide range of B2C and B2B industries.

Why Are These Good Digital Marketing Expert Examples?

All three of the above are great examples of digital marketing experts for a variety of reasons. From a wealth of experience in different marketing-related fields to a strong grasp of the customer-centric mindset and the sales process, their expertise can be applied to a wide range of tasks and positions.

It is easy to simplify digital marketing into a few things, like SEO or content writing. However, marketing as a whole is an ever-evolving process of pushing your business to wherever it has the potential to grow and knowing when to push and when to back off.

Some of the best digital marketing experts do not even work in digital marketing fields. For example, Oren Charbit is clearly more focused on sales than something like SEO, yet his sales work is still a core part of how a business would capture its customers with its marketing efforts.

Marketing requires a lot of people from a lot of fields, and it is not a black-and-white science – that is why the examples given here are so valuable. Somebody who is fantastic at SEO might struggle when it comes to marketing B2B directly or building a customer-oriented brand, but a person who understands the customer and the sales process can bridge the gap and bring both together.

To summarize, a digital marketing expert is someone who possesses a diverse skill set and experience in different areas of the field. They can understand how to approach a problem from multiple perspectives and use their expertise to create an effective and efficient plan that can help a business grow.

Steven Khanna, Asher Charbit, and Oren Charbit are all excellent examples of true digital marketing experts for a variety of reasons. By building their careers in different ways and with different strengths, they have each created a unique understanding of what marketing means and how it can be applied to different fields – which has made them invaluable to the companies they now work for.

Whether you are a business owner looking for help with a new project or a prospective marketing expert who is still trying to find their footing, these are the kinds of people you should turn to. By understanding what it means to be an expert, you can find the best of the best more easily, rather than falling back on people who might not have the expertise to back up their claims.