Those who are looking to work on their fitness will often do so by altering their diet for the better and planning to get active. If you’re able-bodied, odds are that running will come to mind. Sure, it might not seem like the most pleasant option to begin with (running can be very hard work), but over time there’s nothing quite as freeing and enjoyable as learning to run well, and to do so over a period of time. You may even decide to train for your local half-marathon, or begin looking forward to that morning run and how it makes you feel.

Running is an excellent fitness practice that can help you feel so much better in yourself, but it’s essential to be realistic about its prospects, and also go about it the right way. After all, running is pointless if it opens you up to injury, if you don’t have the right footwear, or if your training plan is inconsistent. With that in mind, please consider the following advice:

You Need To Care For Your Feet

Your feet take quite an intense amount of activity when running, and it’s important to care for them. If you notice any harm or infections then it can be worth speaking to a podiatrist service, and in some cases your physician if you expect a break. It’s also essential to use the correct footwear, especially if you have naturally high arches or are flat footed. This will help you unlock the best healthy approach to your running schedule, and avoid suffering or compounding injuries.

Focus On Joint Health

It’s essential to focus on your joint health if you can. Running is by its very nature quite harsh on the joints, and if you’re losing weight then your slightly above excess frame can be causing more impact. This can resolve itself over time, and running helps improve joint and bone strength and health, but if you notice issues like twinges, weakness or aches then it’s best to have that checked out. Moreover, you can implement healthy dietary changes like enjoying Omega-3 for the best results, as this has been proven to protect brain, joint, skin, and even heart health. With a good warmup and few static stretches at the end of each run, you can more easily avoid that sense of worry you would otherwise have.

Running Form Is Essential To Get Right

It’s much better to run for less distance and less intensity if it means your form is perfect. Proper form includes keeping your shoulders back and your chest up, easy strides that won’t overextend yourself, landing on the balls of your feet and then springboarding from your other food forward. It also means keeping good breathing technique, especially breathing as if you were doing so into your stomach, not your chest, allowing you to breathe more deeply. If you can keep this form, even when strained and tired, you can then progress further on and up the ante.

With this advice, you’re sure to see how running is an excellent fitness practice, while being aware of its requirements.