Stage fright can impact even the most experienced performer, but for someone just starting out in their performance career, it can be the difference between continuing to do something they love and giving it up.

This article will help you explore some of the ways you can combat stage fright and give the best performance possible. 


The first thing to remember is that a little stage fright is normal and can actually be used to your advantage. Using that energy on stage is going to give you a heightened performance. The first step is to accept it and not let it create panic. It is normal, it is ok, and you can allow yourself to go through the feelings of stage fright without it impacting the quality of your performance. 

In addition to this, preparation is often one of the biggest things to impact stage fright. The more prepared and rehearsed you are, the less likely you will be blighted by extreme stage fright.

With this in mind, ensure you schedule plenty of rehearsal time, go over your lines regularly, and be as prepared as you can be. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel, and a little first night jitters won’t stop you from being amazing!


Whilst people talk about Dutch courage coming from a liquor bottle, this is not the greatest option when you have a performance ahead of you. 

However, there are natural substances that will help you remain calm before a show. 

Using an herbal supplement such as Kratom will help you reduce stress and anxiety. As noted on this Kratom site, this plant-based supplement is available to take in capsules, powders, and teas, and has wonderful properties such as aiding good sleep, relieving anxiety, and even improving your productivity. 

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation is the key to a good performance, according to Lee Strasberg, who stated that tension is an actor’s greatest enemy.

He was a big advocate of using relaxation techniques before a show to calm the nerves and reduce fear.

One of the techniques used involves tensing and releasing muscles throughout the body to release any pent-up tension. 

Breathing techniques are also commonly used as part of meditation, and this will help you relax immediately before the event.

In addition to physical relaxation techniques, you should also practice relaxation for the mind. Mindfulness is the process of being involved solely in the moment and not getting caught up in what could happen in the future.

It is a simple idea that involves tasks that keep you focused on the here and now, which may include things like meditation, sport, or even drawing. 


Hypnosis is the process of inducing deep relaxation. It can be done by a professional practitioner (recommended), through self-hypnosis, or even by utilizing guided hypnotherapy, which you can access on YouTube and other online sources.

Hypnosis can be used for multiple issues from basic relaxation to phobias and even weight loss, so it is a very versatile therapy.

It is thought that whilst you are in a deep state of relaxation, your subconscious mind can be accessed, and messages implanted to train you into a new thought process.

Hypnosis can be used both as a one-off treatment whilst experiencing anxiety or stage fright, or as a pre-emptive strike by having sessions in advance to reduce your phobia or anxiety.

Stage fright can be quite debilitating for the sufferer and so a combination of the techniques listed in this article could reduce your anxiety before a performance. Good luck!