If you’re considering a Brazilian Butt Lift, you probably want to look better in your clothes and also in a revealing swimsuit bottom. This procedure can also help you to look sexier and more attractive without wearing any clothes at all.
Fact 1: Each individual will have a slightly different result
There are many facts to consider regarding BBL procedures. Firstly, everyone’s body has a different shape. You might have a small variation from others of your age and size, but you do need to take your own butt’s shape into consideration when meeting with your doctor to plan this procedure.
Fact 2: The result of your Butt Lift surgery depends on the butt you were born with
When you meet with your surgeon, he will discuss with you which type of Brazilian Butt Lift will work best with your natural shape. There are various types of butts, such as the Heart-Shaped butt.
You probably already have a good-looking butt, but you want to improve on what nature gave you. People with a Heart-Shaped butt still qualify for a butt lift even though they already have an hourglass figure.

Fact 3: A Brazilian Butt Lift Sculpts and Reshapes Your Body
A lifted butt can provide the body form you want and see in swimsuit models. It is important to learn as much as you can about this plastic surgery before you schedule your appointment with your doctor. You may want to be sure that your plastic surgeon will remove as much fat from unwanted areas as possible.
Fact 4: You will have a better figure after a Brazilian Butt Lift
A Brazilian Butt Lift will not only improve and uplift your butt; it will also remove unwanted fat from your waistline and from other areas of your body. It will improve your body proportions so you have an hourglass figure.
Fact 5: You will probably get more modeling jobs if you have an uplifted butt
Many modeling agencies will not consider you for a job unless you have the perfect shape, uplifted butt included. Once you have this procedure completed, you will keep the shape unless you lose a lot of weight. This means a higher income for you.
Fact 6: Your consultation with your doctor is easier if you know more about the surgery
There are some basic facts and terms that you should know about a Brazilian Butt Lift when you go for your consultation. Besides knowing your expectations from the procedure, you should also think about what kind of results you’re looking for. Know that when your surgeon talks about adding “volume” to your butt, it means to make it bigger and better shaped.
Fact 7: Your doctor will let you know what the outcome of the surgery will probably be
After examining your body shape, your doctor will measure your waist and make sure that you are a good candidate for a Butt Lift. You need to have enough extra fat on your abdomen or thighs because your doctor will use liposuction to take fat from one of these areas to build up your butt.

Fact 8: You will need time to heal after the surgery
Most patients need a few weeks to heal from this procedure. Your doctor will tell you what to expect during your consultation. Besides someone to drive you home and stay with you for at least a day or so, there are other requirements that will help your recovery.
Fact 9: Know what to expect after your Brazilian Butt Lift
Part of recovery is following your doctor’s directions, so you have a good result after your recovery. You will not be able to sit for about two weeks and sleeping on your side or stomach is also required. At your consultation, you will find out how long it will probably be before you’re back to normal.
Fact 10: Your results will not be complete for some time
You will not see the total result of your Brazilian Butt Lift until you meet with your surgeon for your after-surgery checkup. Results sometimes take months to see, so don’t give up hope until time has passed to allow for complete healing.
Fact 11: There are two advantages to a Brazilian Butt Lift
Besides getting that full rear end, you can count on a smaller waistline with this surgery. That’s because surgeons often take extra fat from the abdomen to place on the butt. The surgery is worthwhile if you want to get two body improvements with one surgery.
Fact 12: You will keep your new shape by eating a nutritious diet and exercising
Although about 30% of the fat cells put on your butt will die, that leaves 70% that survive to give you the shape that you want. Some people believe that they have to gain weight to keep the shape that the Brazilian Butt Lift gave them, but this is not true. Gaining weight could occur on other parts of the body and will probably not boost fat on the butt.
Fact 13: Make sure your surgeon is planning to inject fat between the muscle and skin
When Brazilian Butt Lifts were first completed, doctors used to inject the fat into the butt muscle. This had some risk since a fat cell could travel into a blood vessel and cause fatal results. A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will not use this method of injecting fat cells into the muscle. Instead, the surgeon will place the fat between the muscle and skin. This method is not only safer, but it is less painful for the patient.

Fact 14: Choose a surgeon with experience in Brazilian Butt Lifts
A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon like Matthew Schulman, M.D. who has performed thousands of these surgeries is the best plastic surgeon for you. A doctor with experience has seen many types of butts and bodies, and this surgeon has learned to best modern techniques to achieve a successful Brazilian Butt Lift.
Fact 15: Learn the facts and ignore the myths about a Brazilian Butt Lift
You can be ready to discuss the facts and myths about this plastic surgery with your doctor at your first appointment. Some common myths are that a Brazilian Butt Lift is the most dangerous type of plastic surgery. This is simply not true, and it is actually safer than a tummy tuck. Another myth held by many people is that you need to put on weight before the surgery. This is also untrue because you can’t control where extra fat will go on your body.
Fact 16: Results will make you feel better about your bodySA
If you decide to go ahead and have the surgery by a successful Board-Certified plastic surgeon, you will be happy that you finally decided to have a Brazilian Butt Lift. Your new, improved figure could lead to better relationships, improved self-confidence, and the modeling jobs that you want.