By Georgia Hammerson
This one goes out to all the Queens out there, around here; and all we can do and all that we do do.
In fear of sounding biased, there really is something quite exceptionally avant-garde in the strength of a women, her sheer resilience in tested times (the ability to multi-task) and her pure “I can do this, watch me, I’ll show you” attitude. Who said women can’t do it all, I certainly didn’t.
Diane von Furstenberg
After the Little Black Dress, perhaps the next best fashion revelation was the Wrap Dress – enter Queen Diane von Furstenberg. A pioneer for women and an advocate of our power, it’s Diane’s attitude and her designs embodying “pussy power” and independence that have led her to inspire an entire generation.
With a fashion supremacy that spans seventy countries and as an ever-growing influence to many, this fashion guru has made a capacious impact – as a mentor for young designers and as the founder of The DVF Awards; an organisation recognising and supporting advances in women’s causes. I can’t forget to mention how great we all look in her little wrap dress.
“I didn’t know what I wanted to do. But the only thing I knew is that I wanted to be in charge of my life. I wanted to be a woman who did not need anyone, who could pay for her bills. That woman who wasn’t waiting for the Prince Charming. I did not know what I wanted, but I knew the kind of woman I wanted to be. I became that woman through that dress.”

Anna Wintour
Born a boss; when asked by her father as a child what Anna would be when older, she replied intuitively “Editor of Vogue”. So when 1988 came knocking and she was sitting at the big desk of American Vogue, however like any self-striving Queen her dream title was landed through perseverance and damn hard work. Starting in the fashion department for Harper’s & Queen in London Anna clunked her heels up the Editorial ladder between there and New York throughout her twenties and soon became Fashion Editor of Harper’s Bazaar, Viva and Savvy – moving on to New York magazine.
Now also Director of fashion giant Condé Nast, a wife and mother of two; a humanitarian with millions of dollars donated to charity, the populariser of celebrity culture in fashion and holding the title of “thirty-ninth most powerful woman in the world”, there’s really no stopping this fur-clad fashion empress.
“Take those risks and be fearless.”

Sophia Amoruso
Lovers of fashion (and all those with shopping addictions) rejoice, this #GIRLBOSS really changed the game of online fashion and proved that impossible is nothing at 22 with a bit of heart and a goal. Sophia started with a vintage store on eBay – styling, photographing and shipping the products out of her Aunt’s basement, quickly she turned her love for selling cute pieces of clothing into every pubescent girls favourite website – NastyGal.
Boasting a net worth of $280 million by 2008 this Internet vixen mastered the skills for an online cult-following and was crowned “a Cinderella of tech”. Trying her hand at writing she did alright, earning her self a New York Times Bestseller award for her self-describing book (#GIRLBOSS). Oh, and you can find her name on the list of Richest Self-Made Women.
“Each time you make a good decision or do something nice or take care of yourself; each time you show up to work and work hard and do your best at everything you can do, you’re planting seeds for a life that you can only hope will grow beyond your wildest dreams. Take care of the little things—even the little things that you hate—and treat them as promises to your own future. Soon you’ll see that fortune favors the bold who get shit done.”

Gisele Bündchen
This native Brazilian babe scouted in a fast –food restaurant as a teenager, is a proud mother of two and is so much more than a pretty face. Shooting to fame and storming the fashion catwalks of the world to New York in 1997, by 2000 she’d signed to Victoria Secret and is now the synonymous face of the larger-than-life powerhouse.
In 2004 Gisele was the highest paid model in the world. Upon the reign of her throne, this charity – Good-will ambassador and Environmentalist has done exceptionally great deeds for those less fortunate, deeds that span – would you believe – an entire Wikipedia page. Clearly conscientious of more than the world of fashion; this bombshell was named Harvard’s 2011 “Global Environmental Citizen”.
“I always knew that, even if I was not the most beautiful girl, I’d be the most energetic and hard-working. If you want to know the truth, that’s the reason for my success.”

Power to you all. #GIRLPOWER