Male modeling has a huge scope in India. So many models in the industry have achieved milestones in modeling and men’s fitness. You must learn about your BMI to be a successful model in India. Also, develop your camera confidence and create an outstanding portfolio. Increase your exposure to avoid deception and be consistent. 

In the modeling business, Gaurav Arora is among the most renowned personalities. He was also named one of Vogue India’s most desirable Indian men. Follow this post to get a list of Top Models in India. In addition, we have brought some amazing expert advice for improving your career expectations.

Recognize your strengths

You need to understand whether you are physically fit or not. Do you have pack-abs or body mass? Do you have a double chin or a sharp jawline? Do you fit the classic “tall, dark, and handsome” category? Professional modeling may be expertise if you are a perfect height and have a good-looking face. If you have long legs and enjoy walking, you can try your luck on the catwalk. You could be a great fitness model if you have a great muscular body.

Create a Portfolio

If you want to make a lot of money, you should first spend it on yourself. A portfolio is similar to a resume, reflecting your ability and talents. There are two types of portfolios: hard copy and online, so you need more than just “selfies.” We recommend that you have both by chance an agency or client requests both. Ensure to include portraits, full-body images, and a range of angles in your portfolio.

Make camera your friend

It makes no difference which type of model you are; you will be standing in front of a camera at some point. It is common to be nervous in front of a camera at first; we recommend creating a safe zone with the camera. Even if you have a great facial shape, you must remember some angles and light effects. Select your place and make it simpler for yourself and the photographer by rehearsing first.

How much high?

There are multiple beliefs and misunderstandings about height regulations. For example, male models must be between 5’11” and 6’2″ tall, but this only refers to the runway and style models. Yet, it is difficult to say because there are several modeling professions; certain firms accept guys of sufficient height.

Age is just a number

The days of firms only hiring young male models are gone for good. The concept that only males in their early twenties can be models is incorrect. Every age group has a chance; marketers seek male models who can relate to their audience.

List of Top Models in India

Here is the list of the Top 5 Indian models who have been extremely successful and popular in the modeling industry.

  1. Milind Soman 
  2. Farhad Shahnawaz
  3. Rohit Khandelwal 
  4. Gaurav Arora
  5. Prateek Jain

Being a male model does not always guarantee you free admission to the hottest parties in town. Being a male model requires a lot of effort and numerous hours, with little compensation at times.