A visit to the hair salon can be a delightful and transformative experience. Whether you’re looking for a new haircut, a color change, or simply some advice, effective communication with your hairstylist is key. To ensure you leave the salon with the style you desire, we’ve compiled a list of seven essential tips for talking to your hairstylist. Read on to discover how to convey your ideas, communicate your preferences, and build a strong rapport with your stylist.

Prepare in Advance

Before your hair salon appointment, it’s important to dedicate some time to gathering inspiration and clarifying your hair goals. This preparation will help you articulate your ideas and provide your hair stylist with a visual reference, leading to a clearer understanding of your expectations.

Start by exploring various sources of inspiration, such as magazines and online platforms, to stay updated on the latest hairstyle trends. Fashion magazines, beauty blogs, and social media platforms dedicated to hair are excellent resources for finding inspiration. Look for hairstyles that catch your eye, paying attention to cuts, colors, and styles that resonate with your desired look.

Once you come across hairstyles that inspire you, save those images for reference. Whether you create a digital folder on your computer or save clippings in a physical folder, having visual references will greatly assist you when communicating your ideas to your hairstylist. Visuals can convey information that words alone may struggle to express, allowing your stylist to get a clearer understanding of the specific elements you desire in your hairstyle. Additionally, consider your hair type and face shape while exploring inspiration.

Be Open to Professional Advice

When communicating with your hair stylist, it’s important to strike a balance between expressing your preferences and being open to their professional advice. Your hair stylist is trained and experienced in their craft, which means they have valuable knowledge and expertise to offer.

While you may have a specific vision in mind, be receptive to their suggestions and recommendations. They can provide insights that consider important factors such as your hair texture, face shape, and maintenance requirements.

By being open to your stylist’s recommendations, you can make better-informed decisions about your hairstyle. They can offer suggestions on cuts, colors, and styles that will flatter your features and work well with your hair type.

For example, if you have fine hair, your stylist might suggest a layered cut to add volume and movement. Or if you’re considering a bold color change, they can guide you on the best shades that will suit your skin tone. Their expertise allows them to assess what will work best for you, taking into account both your desires and the practical aspects of hair care.

Use Clear and Concise Language

When communicating with your hairstylist about your desired hairstyle, it’s crucial to use clear and concise language to minimize the chances of miscommunication. Instead of using generic terms like “short” or “long,” provide precise details to convey the exact length you have in mind.

For example, specify the desired length in inches or provide a visual reference of the length you prefer. This ensures that both you and your stylist have a clear understanding of your expectations and avoids any confusion.

In addition to specifying length, using descriptive words to communicate specific style elements is equally important. Terms like “layered,” “textured,” or “fringe” help paint a clear picture of the desired outcome. By using these descriptive words, you provide your stylist with valuable information about the specific techniques and effects you desire. It allows them to create a hairstyle that incorporates the desired elements and brings your vision to life.

Provide Context

To help your stylist understand your lifestyle and personal preferences, provide them with context. Share details such as the amount of time you’re willing to spend on daily styling, whether you prefer low-maintenance or high-maintenance styles, and any concerns you have about your hair’s health or behavior. This additional information will enable your stylist to customize your haircut or color accordingly.

Communicate Your Comfort Zone

When discussing potential changes to your hair with your stylist, it’s essential to establish clear boundaries that align with your comfort level. If you’re not open to drastic transformations or have specific limitations, it’s crucial to communicate these preferences openly and honestly. By expressing your comfort zone, you create a foundation for collaboration with your stylist, allowing you to find a hairstyle that meets both your desires and practical constraints.

Communicating your boundaries helps your stylist understand the scope of changes you are willing to explore. Whether it’s a preference for maintaining a certain length, avoiding extreme color changes, or adhering to specific styling routines, expressing these limitations ensures that your stylist can tailor their suggestions accordingly.

Establishing boundaries also fosters a sense of trust and respect in the stylist-client relationship. It allows for open communication, ensuring that you feel comfortable expressing your preferences and concerns without hesitation. A skilled stylist will appreciate your honesty and work with you to find creative solutions that align with your boundaries while still delivering a beautiful and satisfying result.

Ask Questions

During your consultation with your hairstylist and throughout the hairstyling process, it’s important not to hesitate when it comes to asking questions. Don’t be afraid to seek clarification about any terms or techniques that you may not fully understand. Asking questions demonstrates your active involvement in the process and shows your stylist that you value their expertise. It also allows you to make informed decisions about your hair.

If there’s a term or technique that your stylist mentions and you’re unsure about, ask them to explain it in simpler terms. They will appreciate your eagerness to understand and will be more than happy to provide a clear explanation. This not only helps you gain a better understanding of the hairstyling process but also ensures that you and your stylist are on the same page, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings.

Offer Feedback

Once your stylist completes your desired hairstyle, provide constructive feedback. If you’re satisfied, express your appreciation and let them know they’ve achieved your envisioned outcome. In the case of any concerns or adjustments, communicate them politely and openly. A good stylist will be receptive to feedback and work with you to address any issues, ensuring your complete satisfaction.

Jennifer Bell is a hair color enthusiast, has had just about every hairstyle under the sun, and writes for hair salons in the Granada Hills area.