Living in a high-brow area like Belgravia, London, comes with its perks. You have access to the best amenities money can buy and mix with the creme de la creme of old and money. If you’re in that tax bracket, you already know there are a lot of luxuries available to you, such as cosmetic surgery.
As popular as it’s become, cosmetic surgery isn’t as affordable as everyone would like. Who wouldn’t want to fix a sagging neckline or creased brows to have a younger face? Still, there are professional and experienced clinics that offer excellent services in this area. The only downside is that their affordable services may be limited.
If you’re planning on undergoing cosmetic surgery, such as having breast implants or a face lift, note that it comes with some considerations. Keep them in mind as you search for the best surgeon, whether in Belgravia or another part of the country and world.
1. Check Qualifications
One of the first things you’ll come across while researching the best clinics for your surgery is the surgeon. With many cosmetic surgeons with excellent qualifications, its little wonder most people are confused about who to pick. In that mix of top choices are scams and quacks, so your research must help weed them out. The surgeon you choose is as important as the facility itself, if not more important.
It is crucial to note that many doctors in other fields like obstetrics/ gynecology and cardiology are venturing into plastic surgery, and while they might be good, it’s not their field. Ensure your chosen doctor is a board-certified plastic surgeon. Check out their credentials to verify they complete their yearly fifty hours of continuous medical education to qualify.
Also, ensure they are experienced in the area where you need surgery; reviews go a long way in this regard. Plastic surgery is a broad field, and doctors specialize in different areas. While some, like Orfaniotis cosmetic surgery, have a relatively wide reach, others are more restrictive. Therefore, read reviews and success stories before committing to any specific clinic.
2. Visit the Clinic
Another important step is to visit the clinic where the procedure will be done. Don’t settle for verbal assurances of a clean and licensed space to get you to commit to it; ensure you physically visit and assess the place. It must be accredited by the appropriate authorities and have the necessary staff for pre- and post-surgery care. Using the space in a private home or mall doesn’t cut it; they may not have the equipment to handle complications should they arise. Besides, a lack of the proper facility may be a red flag; fraudulent services usually operate in such places and lure unsuspecting victims with low prices and sweet words.
3. Consider the Cost

As mentioned, cosmetic surgery is expensive, and most people pay out of their pockets. If it’s an elective surgery, insurance doesn’t cover it, even if you have an excellent policy. Some health conditions require that the patients undergo plastic surgery; even in such situations, it’s pretty difficult to get carriers to dole out the money until they do extensive checks. Therefore, ensure you have a way to fund the procedure before anything else.
The costs don’t end with the main surgery; think about the post-surgery needs and possible touch-ups or complications. Since it is cost-intensive, you’ll need to save for a while to pay for it unless you already have the money. Consider taking your time to plan your finances and if it’s something that can wait a few months, it might be wise to take a step back and count the expenses. You can click here for funding options.
1. Think About the Risks
Every surgery, no matter how small, comes with risks. If you’ve researched, you’ve probably seen stories of woe from botched surgeries. While that might not be you because you’re going for the best surgeon, there’s still a risk of complications. For example, people react to anesthesia and some side effects are debilitating.
There’s also the risk of infection, errors that can’t be corrected, and wound separation. The point is that you shouldn’t minimize the risks; see them as important and a major part of your decision. Speak with the surgeon as extensively as possible and ask all the questions to help you make an informed decision.
5. Be Realistic
Let’s face it: everyone’s not going to look like that girl or guy on the clinic’s website. If that were possible, we would all save to pay for such magic. While cosmetic surgery does a lot of wonders, it’s an all-round fix for aging.
Therefore, set realistic expectations that you might still have a few issues with your looks after the procedure. The surgery produces a better physical appearance, but confidence is the best attire anyone can wear. This resource,, has more information about what to consider before this procedure.
Bottom Line
Cosmetic surgery has a lot of perks, but they also have costs beyond money. You must weigh the pros against the cons and consider a few things before deciding, including costs, the clinic, and the surgeon’s qualifications. Some procedures require constant touch-ups, which stretches your finances and your skin. Be sure you understand every aspect of the process and if you do go ahead with it, give yourself time to fully recover before assessing the results. Additionally, be confident and ensure you’re doing it for yourself and no one else.