Manufacturers recognize they can increase sales by offering extended sizing along with skin-toned items. However, they can also draw more customers in by offering items that aren’t specific to one gender. Jewelry serves as an excellent example of where gender-fluid items are hot sellers. People love they send a message of inclusivity while allowing men and women to show their personal styles.
Men Wear Jewelry Too
Men, in the past, often purchased jewelry for the women in their lives. Today, however, women frequently buy their own jewelry, and many men choose to purchase items they will personally wear.
As the world is seeing a societal morphing in gender roles, many jewelry designers are choosing to create pieces that either sex can wear. Younger generations refuse to adhere to traditional gender boundaries, and we see this in the clothing and accessories they purchase. For example, both sexes wear permanent bracelets today.

Why Men Wear Jewelry
Each male has his own reasons for wearing jewelry. Some men wear one or more pieces to alert others to a medical condition they have. Countless men wear wedding rings to show they are in committed relationships, and some men choose to add cufflinks and other accessories to their wardrobes.
Today, people want to show their individuality and do so with the help of jewelry. They may also use the pieces to tell a story. Jewelry makers frequently choose to branch out in the unisex market when they learn from female customers that the males in their lives are borrowing their pieces.
Simple Styles

One thing that helps to distinguish unisex jewelry pieces is their simplicity. Designers avoid creating ornate pieces, as most men find them to be too fussy and feminine. The same holds for chunky and big pieces. Women avoid those pieces as they find them to be too masculine. Keep this in mind when choosing pieces for either sex and purchase something in the middle.
Neutral Colors
Unisex jewelry often comes in neutral colors, as the goal is to have casual pieces. Black, brown, and tan serve as great choices, and many people choose metal items. Go for those with a matte finish if purchasing an item to be worn by either sex.

Don’t Overdo It
Men and women need to keep it simple when wearing unisex jewelry. Keep accessories to a minimum and avoid layering multiple pieces. Combine these accessories with a simple outfit for a look that others will admire. This combination allows the jewelry to shine.
Jewelry Options
When choosing jewelry to be worn by either sex, look for those pieces that anyone would feel comfortable with. The following items serve as good examples of jewelry pieces anyone would love to wear.
Unisex earrings tend to be studs and hoops. Avoid drop and chandelier earrings, as most men won’t select these styles. Ear cuffs serve as another good item for either sex and try to stick with a single color. Matte metals look good with any outfit, as long as the style is minimal.
Most men prefer simple bands for their fingers. They want to ensure the ring won’t get caught on anything as they go about their activities. Dull and brushed metallics serve as good choices for rings, and go for those items with minimal detailing. Start with one or two rings on each hand and build from there if you feel they don’t provide the desired look.

Unisex bracelets should be simplistic. This allows each wearer to dress up the bracelet as desired. Try exploring options for tyvek wristband if you are aiming to create a simple yet stylish statement. For example, a woman may add charms to the bracelet for a unique look. A male, in contrast, might opt to wear multiple bracelets together to show his style.
Simple necklaces also appeal to both sexes. As mentioned earlier, chunky items appear masculine and ornate designs give off a feminine vibe. Look for simple pieces that both men and women will love to wear.
Unisex jewelry is here to stay. In fact, some experts believe designers will create all jewelry in the future with both men and women in mind. Changing gender perceptions have led to this move in the industry, which men and women both appreciate. They can share their favorite items and save money. That’s a win for everyone.