The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.
Discovering you have a personality disorder such as paranoid personality disorder can feel disheartening and embarrassing. However, you don’t have to live that way! The way the world and technology work is that we can find relatable individuals, treatment options, helpful resources, and self-help guides in a matter of seconds. You can obtain optimum health with the proper assistance. For example, BetterHelp is a fantastic resource for those learning about personality disorders, treatments, and techniques.

What is Paranoid Personality Disorder?
Paranoid personality disorder, also known as PPD, is a mental health condition when a person deals with chronic suspicion and mistrust. Someone who consistently doubts the motives and words of those around them may have PPD. Common signs include mistrust, paranoia, suspicion, sensitivity, an unforgiving nature, isolation, and life on guard.
When diagnosed correctly, those with paranoid personality disorder should receive therapy, medication, and self-help techniques. People with PPD often do not get the help they need because they do not trust their therapist or loved ones. However, there are three important reasons that people should feel confident getting the help that they need.

Finding the Confidence You Need To Get Help
Your Mental Health is Important
When you make mental health your priority, you are recognizing your importance in this world. Everyone deserves a healthy, happy life. It is crucial that you treat yourself with respect and goodness. By treating yourself kindly, you are more likely to seek the help you need. The way that you think and feel will play a large role in how you live your life. With that being said, understand that your mental health is important, and so is your recovery.
The Benefits Outweigh the Negatives
When comparing your recovery and suffering, recovery will always be the better option. Those with a paranoid personality disorder may feel frightened or wary of recovery, but its benefits far outweigh the life of untreated symptoms. It takes courage to seek treatment, but it leads to a life filled with more confidence and happiness.
You Are Not Alone
Mental disorders, including personality disorders, can make you feel isolated and alone; however, you are not alone. Many people have experienced the same symptoms as you and are now enjoying the freedom of recovery. When you are unsure if you should seek help, consider looking into the success stories of others. It can all feel hopeless, but there is always a place to heal.