4 Tips To Live By

Models are always traveling, whether it’s for photoshoots, interviews, or shows. Sometimes, these trips are for a weekend, while others it’s for a few weeks. Therefore, models need to be flexible and always ready to go!

Ready to start traveling like a model? Implementing these four tips is sure to make your life easier. Let’s jump in!

1. Always Stay Connected

You want to keep your fans updated while on the go. Whether you’re attending the New York Fashion Week or a more off-the-grid photo shoot, they’ll want to see what you’re up to, which means you have to always stay connected. 

Staying connected through social media as you travel is one way to keep your fans in the loop. But equally important, you’ll want to stay connected with your manager or friends back home. You can do so by having reliable energy to keep your smartphone energized at all times.

The best option here is to look into renewable energy, like these solar generators Australia offers. That way, you can stay connected even if you’re an influencer who makes money traveling to remote regions. A small, portable solar generator can charge your laptop, smartphone, hotspot, and several devices simultaneously. It’s a form of clean energy that will keep everyone connected at all times.

2. Pack the Essentials 

Here’s a list of must-have items you’ll need before setting foot in an airport. We recommend packing these in your carry-on if possible. This way, if your main luggage were to go missing, you’ll still have these essentials on hand:  

  • Facial moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated
  • Important documents (passport, tickets, itinerary)
  • Water bottle to stay hydrated and reduce plastic waste
  • Hair frizz product to keep your locks looking shiny and frizz-free
  • Makeup (concealer, mascara, and lip balm are must-haves)
  • Earplugs and an eye mask to get your beauty sleep during long flights
  • iPad, music, magazines for entertainment
  • Cellphone with charger
  • An extra outfit (or two) in case of an emergency
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant)
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen

3. Prepare for Any Mishaps

Being well-prepared means you can handle mishaps with ease. Let’s say your flight gets delayed. A fully charged phone means you can make all necessary calls without running out of battery. 

If your luggage gets lost, ensure you have 2-3 pairs of clothing on your carry-on. You’ll be fine until your main luggage makes its way to you. It’s also important to note that you should put your name and phone number on your luggage. Proper identification will speed up the process of getting it back to you safely. 

Is it supposed to rain on your trip? Pack an umbrella, rain jacket, and anything else to increase your comfort during rainy weather. It’s better to be prepared for mishaps than to be caught off guard with no plan!

4. Always Dress to Impress 

You don’t want to be caught by paparazzi wearing a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants. Wear something comfortable yet fashionable when traveling. That way, you get the best shots if you cross paths with some paparazzi! 

Enjoy Stress-Free Traveling

With these four tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to a comfortable traveling experience and doing so in style, just like the models.