Manon Ouimet is a face definitely not new to the modeling world. Currently rep’d by Chic and Scoop this French beauty started booking gigs at the ripe old age of 8 and has gone in and out of the industry ever since.
She was born and raised in London, educated at a French Lycée and after falling in love with the man of her dreams, now lives in the land down under. Not only is Manon a familiar face in the modeling world, behind the scenes she is the mysterious Gatsby, responsible for managing events for the likes of GQ and Vogue. Despite the endless opportunity of her careers, her true passion lies behind the lens and Manon is an aspiring photographer.
By Justice Jones – @justiceejones
Photographer – Natalia Parsonson
What has traveling taught you & why do you think it is so important for people to get out there and experience the world??
Traveling is everything! If I could spend my life on the road I would . . . and hopefully I will! It’s taught me to never stop . . . never be idle . . . there is always so much more to see and experience! The different types of cuisines alone is important enough a reason for people to experience the world! There is nothing better than being woken up by the sound of horns and the smell of fresh baguette at 6 am in the South of France by the local baker and his son.
Do you have a crazy travel experience to share ??
Crazy . . . The day I felt the earth move in a UFO diner in Arizona. The perfect earthquake experience !
Ok, I want to ask you about photography, do you think that working behind the lens gives you an advantage when you are modeling?
Working behind the camera has given me the BIGGEST advantage when modeling – it has changed the way I model completely over the last year. Being able to understand what the photographer is seeing through the lens makes the world of difference in the way you pose.
Who are your favorite photographers?
Oh god there are sooooo many . . . Neil Krugg, Joe Johnson, Max Doyle . . . Taryn Simon . . .
What inspires / motivates you as an artist?
I don’t consider myself an artist, just someone who loves taking photos. Strongly inspired by beauty and the creatives around me.
What would you say are the biggest perks of being a model ?
The $$ and the good times !
Biggest misconception about models?
That models are cool – I can only speak of the ones that I know – they are the best kind of dorks !
In your perspective, what is it that young woman find so intriguing about models?
. . . Is it models young woman find intriguing or is it the life style models portray ?
I feel as though there is this blame game, surrounding models. You guys are constantly being attacked and made responsible for any negativity towards body image that young people may have.
What’s your perspective on the situation?
The weight debate . . . not one many models like to comment on.
We feed the negatives of the industry too much allowing it to still be a problem.
I agree it’s not the healthiest industries at the best of times but there is this real push for healthy fit girls and guys which is visible on all social media platforms encouraging everyone to be the best they can be physically – in my opinion it’s awesome and admirable.
How did you get into event management?
My grandmother had her own catering company for many years – this is the woman who is the worlds worst cook – it was one of the best catering companies in Montreal – I loved the idea of being just like her. She always has such amazing stories to tell and I wanted to somehow involve myself in the glamorous world of events.
I was a seasoned party goer at the ripe age of 15 and found myself as a promoter for a couple of the top night clubs in London – obviously I lied about my age and no one questioned it further! I did this for a couple of years, most weekends. I finished my A levels (equivalent of HSC/SAT’S) and the next day I was hired as a full time event manager for Nick House Entertainments running some of the top night clubs in London. It is easy to burn out in the club world / I fell in love with an ozie! I had the opportunity to move to Australia which had always been a dream of mine. . . so I did. Eventually grounded my feet in Sydney and starting working for Luke Bonanno – director of LAB&Co. Absolutely love working for him – dream boss, dream job and in a dream country !
How did you two meet?
Funny first impressions – In true blue Aussie fashion he and his chair fell to the pavement where he remained and continued to charm me with his incompressible accent . . . somehow worked . We were together for 5 or so years and now we are really good mates.
Is he in the industry too?
He was once upon a time . . .
What’s your ideal date night look like?
It starts with fresh oysters at the local wine bar, what ever accompanies it is a bonus.
I feel the need to recap on the boyfriend question! Haha. I have found a legend, my best partner in crime yet . . . seriously could rob a bank successfully with this man ! Only problem is we live 7,497 miles apart . . . me, in the land down under and him in Lala Land ! Long distance is a bitch and certainly comes with its challenges but I have to say this has been the easiest most communicative relationship I have ever had the pleasure of being in. The MASSIVE perk is that we travel the world to see one another; we will be meeting in the South of Croatia in the next month ! So bloody excited !
Finish these sentences:
On a rainy day you will probably find me . . .
editing pictures!
I hate it when . . .
I miss the bus.
On rotate this winter is . . .
Lee Mathews , Lee Mathews and more Lee Mathews . . .
Thank you for keeping me warm this winter Lee!
My favorite model to work with is . . .
Laura Gorun – damn that girl can model!

Manon Ouimet’s work – @manongraphy