Many women suffer from a variety of physical issues due to large breasts. Sometimes, these women do not even realize the source of their issues is their breasts. Fortunately, a breast reduction may be an option for relieving the pain, discomfort, and other symptoms associated with large breasts.

What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the breasts. Breast Reduction Surgery removes excess fat, skin, and tissue from the breasts. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia in the hospital or surgical facility.

During the procedure, incisions will be made to access the fat inside the breasts. A portion of the fat will be removed, often by liposuction. Excess skin and tissue will also be removed as needed to reduce the overall size of each breast. The breast will then be reshaped, and often the nipple and areola will be repositioned to provide a natural-looking breast.  

What are the Benefits?

There are many benefits of breast reduction surgery. In many cases, the procedure will reduce back, neck, and shoulder pain. Without the large and heavy breasts pulling on the neck and shoulders, or even putting extra strain on back muscles, pain and discomfort can be reduced or eliminated.

Breast reduction may even be beneficial for hygiene and other issues caused by large breasts. The lower breast and breast fold are often susceptible to rashes and acne with large breasts. Intertriginous dermatitis is an inflammatory condition of skin folds that is common in people with large breasts. A breast reduction can reduce this inflammation and may even prevent rashes, irritation, and acne.

This surgery can also benefit a person’s overall well-being and self-confidence. The results of surgery can provide a person with a well-proportioned body. Their breasts will often be more shapely and less likely to sag. Individuals may even find it easier to find well-fitting clothing after a breast reduction.

What are the Risks?

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved. The surgery itself is an invasive procedure that uses general anesthesia. Infections, complications, and reactions to anesthesia are risks associated with any type of surgery. To minimize these complications, it is best to discuss any health issues or concerns with the healthcare provider before the surgery.

There are risks associated with this type of surgery as well that patients should be aware of. There will be some bruising after the surgery. This will usually subside after some time. There will be some scarring, but often the surgeon will try to minimize the appearance by placing the incisions at the bottom of the breast.

There may also be some issues with the loss of sensation in the nipples or areola after the surgery. Sometimes, the breasts may not be symmetrical. This may require further surgery to improve the appearance. Some patients have even had difficulty breastfeeding after this type of surgery. 

Who is a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction?

A good candidate for breast reduction is generally healthy, does not smoke, and has fully developed breasts. The right candidate will also have problems with one or more issues with their very large breasts. These issues include breasts that limit physical or social activities, pain caused by their breasts, skin irritation under the breasts, or breasts that are stretched and hang low.

If considering breast reduction, it is always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional to see if this surgery is the right option. In many cases, health insurance will not cover the procedure. It is important to discuss these issues with a healthcare provider to find the best available options.