By Gabby Neal

There are a few misconceptions flying around about models. So i thought i’d set the record a little straight. Here are 11 myths (stereotypes) about models that aren’t exactly true…

1. All Models have an eating disorder

Models do actually eat and most eat really well. It’s their job to look the way they do, so they have to eat to fuel their bodies and keep the nutrients flowing for that flawless skin.

model myths

2. Model’s don’t exercise

Like I said, it’s their job to look the way they do. They exercise to be fit and to be healthy. The trend of the ultra-skinny model is gone. Take a look at the victoria secret models. They’ve got abs of steel like no other.

model myths

3. Models get paid millions

Unless you’re a super model, no. Most models don’t get paid that much at all. After the agency takes their percentage and flights and accommodation are paid for. There isn’t much left. And if you’re only starting out, chances are you’re doing the gigs for free, purely for exposure. The average amount a model makes a year is only $18,000.

model myths

4. All models have attitude and are stuck up

Not all models are stuck up. Some are really lovely and sweet, and very professional. In their line of work it isn’t the best move for them to be rude, in most cases it’ll tarnish their rep. Ok so they might be a bit a bit rude to passersby on the street, the ones gawking, pointing and asking for photos…but that’s understandable.

model myths

5. Models get heaps of free stuff

Sadly no. They only get to wear all the extravagant and expensive clothes and accessories on the shoot. They don’t get to take them home. If you’re a super model maybe you might get to take home a few things every once in a while but that’s probably it. And if you are, it’s usually on loan – you’re pretty much expected to post to social media and promote it.

model myths

6. You have to be tall to model

Even though it seems to be the status quo for all models to be over 5’10, it’s not necessarily a pre-requisite. Take these models; Anja Konstantinova – 163cm, Bambi Northwood-Blyth – 173cm, Miranda Kerr – 175cm and Cara Delevigne – 173cm, none of which are the typical height and they’re freaking super models. Even Kate Moss, she’s not even close to some of the other girls modeling.

model myths

7. All models are dumb

Umm no they’re not. Most models are actually quite savvy business people. Cheyenne Tozzi has her own lingerie line, Karlie Kloss is back at school, Elle Mcpherson has her own lingerie line and skin care range, Mirander Kerr has her own skin care range, Sasha Pavivori studied art at the St Petesburg Art Institute and Lily Cole was accepted into Kings College Cambridge.
model myths

8. Models get to holiday for free

Nup, uhuh. Most have to pay for their travel expenses; they might get a little pocket money but mostly they have to fork out the money. Unless they’re booked directly, which is really only a flight and accommodation paid for. It might seem as if they get to holiday at these amazing locations (lets face it they do enjoy some down time) but they’re their to work and literally fly in for the shoot and fly out once it’s done.

model myths

9. All models have amazing hair and flawless skin 

The amount of product they have on their faces, shoot after shoot is definitely not healthy for the skin. Models are like everyone else; they have breakouts too! Combined with the amount shit that goes into their hair, dying it, teasing it etc – not good. There have been models that have had to cut their hair just to get it back looking healthy.

model myths

10. Being a model is easy

I’m sorry, but have you seen some of the shoots? Just watch an episode of America’s Next Top Model and you’ll see that shoots are not always as glamorous as they appear. Think girls in bikinis in winter and that’s only one example. Have you seen some of those awkward poses? They look so difficult and some of the shoes they have to wear – freaking huge!

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11. Models have shoots every day

Again, sadly not true. Models might go to castings and go-sees every day but not shoots. They have to book the gigs first. Models might only have one shoot this week and wait another two for the next. Meaning their income isn’t regular either.

model myths