By Calynn M. Lawrence

Have you ever sat back and thought about how much your location could affect the prosperity of your career? Well, you should. With any field, your destination greatly affects the success that you will have when trying to climb your way to the top. Thus, this article is to help you realize which cities would be your best bet for pursuing a career in fashion modeling. You may think that your current amateur gigs in Chi Town or Miami may be enough to suffice, which they may be, but there are definitely some better options that will maximize your portfolio and references.


New York City is known as America’s Fashion Capital! This is because New York City is the number one tourist destination in the United States and certainly hosts the widest range of fashion everything! Whether it is fashion modeling agencies, fashion designers, fashion careers or even fashion stores, New York has the most of it!  It is no wonder that this would be the smart move for you to move to New York City, if you are considering becoming a high fashion model in America.  Also, New York City Fashion Week is one of the most diverse and competitive that you will find across the globe. Numerous times, New York Fashion Week has held a close second to the number of participants to the Fashion Capital of the World, Paris, France!


You heard it right. Paris, France is the fashion capital of the world. That very well may not be a shock to you because it is a widely known fact. For those considering a serious career in fashion modeling, going overseas to Paris, France would be one leap of faith that you likely will not regret. That is not to say that you are guaranteed stardome, but you are guaranteed much more opportunity than any other city on the Earth! This is the home to the vast majority of your haute couture  and big name brands and designers. If you see yourself ripping the runway in a legendary lable, then chances are you need to be here. This is where the best of the best training and trending reside.


Los Angeles may not be the best spot for your career if you are seeking to be a high fashion model. However, it is an awesome place to start if you are someone who is looking to have a career in swimwear. With such a large population and a high level of tourist crowds, Los Angeles is an amazing place to be if you are looking to land that Sports Illustrated cover. With such brilliant beaches and bikini ready bods, this is where some of the world’s most famous swimwear models originate!


London is where you want to go if you see yourself being an edgy fashion model. Why? London’s grunge couture fashion climate is just the right fit for those models who dare to be different. If you see yourself being that rebel who sports Doc Martins, distressed bull head skinnies and a plaid blouse down the catwalk, as opposed to a soft chiffon dress, then London might just be the best place for you! Home of the Punk Rock style genre, London hosts some of the most edgy yet elegant fashion designers and models in the entire world. So, if you find yourself striving to be strange and breaking the status quo, London is where you need to go.

This article is simply a host of suggestions that serve to better your chances of finding work as a fashion model. That is not to say that you can not be successful in another city. This is simply pointing out certain factors from each city that could definitely serve to your advancement in the industry!